The Vault (19)Full unit name: The Vault
Last updated: 08.08.2024 22:45:18
Navigation (3)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Taris
Events: Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (24)
  • Republic Customs Office operated on Taris
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    Hope you got that vault's location. I eavesdropped on Skavak and some mercenaries over an encrypted comm channel. Skavak's not on Taris - just his mercenaries. They're trying to beat us to the vault. Sounds like they're closing in.
    Beryl says the vault is buried in a place called "Zone Zero."
    Risha Drayen
    Then we're not sunk yet. Unlike us, the mercenaries don't have the vault's exact coordinates. From what I overheard, Skavak's men aren't having much luck in their search for the vault. Something out there is eating those mercenaries alive. Literally.
    For once, I'm glad Taris is a death trap.
    Risha Drayen
    The creatures are slowing the mercenaries down, but not enough. The mercenary leader sounds pretty tough. Get to the vault fast as you can, then open the lock with this Geonosian slicer module. It took me months to trade for this. Don't lose it, understand?
    If I march all the way to Zone Zero and I'm still locked out of that vault.. you're fired.
    Risha Drayen
    Technology has come a long way since that vault was built. It'll open.
    Beryl said not to trust you. Your old partner seems to think you'll turn on me.
    Risha Drayen
    She's bitter about something that happened a long time ago. Forget about her.
    You want me to trust you? Tell me what happened with Beryl.
    Risha Drayen
    You really want to do this now? Fine. A few years ago, Beryl and I robbed an Imperial treasury station. The heist went bad. I escaped, Beryl didn't. She blames me for not rescuing her from the Imperials. I was saving my own skin. I don't apologize for that.
    How'd Beryl escape the Empire?
    Risha Drayen
    She didn't. The Imperials sold her to a Hutt and she escaped from him. Wasn't pleasant, from what I hear. Regardless, I don't work with walking liabilities, anymore. That's why I'm with you. Let's get what we came for and haul jets off this lousy planet, all right?
  • Voidhound, Risha Drayen
  • Risha Drayen gave Geonosian Slicer Module to Voidhound
  • Death's Claw Hired Guns killed a number of Rakghoul
  • Rakghoul killed a number of Death's Claw Hired Guns
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Remember me? Agent Soganti with the Republic Customs Office. I have some questions about Beryl Thorne.
    I'm busy right now.
    This won't take long, and it's not a request. I suspect Thorne is smuggling relics, and I think I know how she's doing it. What I lack is proof. I need someone to step forward and testify so I can arrest her. I'm looking for an honest citizen, Captain.
    If I see one, I'll let you know.
    That's funny. Really.
    Beryl's a good person. She's not doing anything wrong.
    If I catch you covering for her... well, let's not consider the ugly implications. I'm authorized to pay a generous sum for any lead resulting in an arrest. Think about what's best for you. Are you absolutely sure you don't know anything about Beryl Thorne's criminal activities?
    Tyrodall is the real smuggler, Agent Soganti.
    Thorne's partner? What do you have to back up that accusation?
    I saw Tyrodall running with a bunch of scavengers. They were stealing Republic supplies.
    I heard the scavengers were raiding our excavation. And that Devaronian's alleged "death" always seemed a little convenient.... Sounds like I might be wrong about Thorne. Unfortunately, I may never be able to verify your story. I'm afraid that means no reward.
    But think of all the time and money you'll save by not chasing the wrong people.
    Fair point. I'll transfer some credits to you from my discretionary account. Buy yourself a drink on me. Goodbye, Captain. Let's go, men.
  • Corso Riggs, Voidhound, Soganti
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Beryl Thorne
    Didn't expect to see you again. What's the occasion, Captain?
    Republic Customs is onto you. I kept them off your back - for now.
    Beryl Thorne
    You didn't have to come warn me, but you did. Where I come from, the best friends are the ones who lie for you. Guess you're a better friend than I thought.
    Glad you finally see I'm not your enemy.
    Beryl Thorne
    Me too, and I won't forget it. Been a while since anyone stood up for me. Feels like I'm always on my own.
    Argo (AR-G0)
    What am I, Mistress Beryl? Spare parts?
    Beryl Thorne
    Pipe down, Argo. The captain knows what I mean. Right?
    We're just friends, right?
    Beryl Thorne
    Sure, of course. What did you think I meant? Because I didn't mean that. I want you to have this. Saved me more times than I can count. Hope it does the same for you.
    I'm glad we're parting as friends.
    Beryl Thorne
    Risha doesn't deserve a partner like you. Watch your back, all right? I'll get off Taris while the getting's good. I know Argo's ready.
    Argo (AR-G0)
    You have no idea, Mistress Beryl.
    Beryl Thorne
    Thanks for everything, Captain.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Beryl Thorne, Argo (AR-G0)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Corso Riggs
    Beryl needs to clear out of here. That agent won't give up.
    I don't want Beryl getting caught.
    Corso Riggs
    Me neither. She's one of the good guys. We should drop by her place on our way to Zone Zero. It's the least we can do.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Beryl Thorne departed from Taris
  • Argo (AR-G0) departed from Taris
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    What the- ? Who the- ? How'd you- ?
    Not big on completing sentences, are you?
    You're just- I can't believe- you're not supposed to be here!
    Let me guess, you're Skavak's mercenaries? You are one ugly pile of scrap, aren't you?
    How do you- we're supposed to be- never mind how you know! How dare- what do you- this is first-rate battle armor! We've been through ten kinds of pain getting to this vault. And not to watch you open it first. Skavak, you there? You want to see this, boss. We're at the vault, but we're not alone.
    Too perfect. I love it when everything comes together like this. How's life treating you, Captain? You enjoying my ship and all my stuff? What about that two-faced Risha?
    I'm having the time of my life. She says "hello." We're doing great, thanks.
    Aw, too bad it's over now. Still owe you for that mess on Coruscant. You have any idea the grief I'm taking? I could kill everybody who cracks a joke, but that's a lot of work. So, why don't you just die, already?
    Stop taking yourself so seriously.
    A man's reputation is everything. If I don't take myself seriously, who will? Roksur, I want you and the boys to spare no effort killing my friend. Make it as painful as possible.
    You heard the boss! Fry this fool!
  • Roksur, Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Skavak (from Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure)
  • Voidhound's Followers killed 2 Skavak's Mercs
  • Voidhound's Followers killed Roksur
  • Voidhound used Geonosian Slicer Module to open the vault doors
  • Voidhound acquired DP1 Datapad, containing Astrogation Charts
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    You got the astrogation chart, didn't you? I can tell by the look on your face.
    Did you ever doubt me?
    Risha Drayen
    If I did, you've just made me a believer for life. You're holding a piece of underworld history. That astrogation chart belonged to an Exchange gangster named Davik Kang. Davik personally mapped dozens of hyperlanes between the Core and Outer Rim systems. He found shortcuts and hideouts all over the galaxy. He was the last great leader of the Exchange crime syndicate, and the unofficial ruler of Taris.
    How does this chart help us find Nok Drayen's riches?
    Risha Drayen
    Patience. Good things come to those who trust their partners. Have you studied much galactic history, Captain? Interesting patterns emerge, if you pay attention. Davik Kang's criminal empire ended when this planet was destroyed. Nok Drayen's empire was born when he destroyed a planet.
    Nok Drayen destroyed a whole planet?
    Risha Drayen
    Technically, it was only a single settlement. Once upon a time, there was a pirate haven on the Outer Rim called Mandellia. Thousands of criminals lived there. One bright morning, Nok Drayen's freighter dropped out of hyperspace over Mandellia. He demanded the pirates surrender to him or die.
    What did Nok want with the pirates?
    Risha Drayen
    These pirates were successful pirates. They'd acquired a lot of wealth, and Nok decided he wanted it. They weren't afraid of a lone, lightly armed freighter. The pirates figured Nok was delusional and refused to surrender. Big mistake. When the pirates sent their reply, Nok launched a single rocket at their settlement. The warhead was tipped with an Imperial nerve toxin. The entire settlement died in less than a minute. Ten thousand greedy pirates, give or take.
    Where did Nok get an Imperial warhead?
    Risha Drayen
    He stole it, of course. He'd been looking for a way to take down Mandellia in one shot, and that was the perfect solution. That day at Mandellia, Nok Drayen went from being a low-rent smuggler to one of the richest criminals in the galaxy. Anyway, that's how the legend goes. I should probably let you get back to work.
    Is there a plan to use that astrogation chart?
    Risha Drayen
    I'll upload these coordinates into your navicomputer. It'll take a while, though. I don't recognize some of these stars. At any rate, I'm ready to leave Taris. I'm sure we can find someplace more interesting to be.
    You've got a bad case of wanderlust, Risha. I still have business here.
    Risha Drayen
    Hey, it's one of my best qualities. Please don't take too long. The smell of Taris is getting into all of my clothes.
  • Risha Drayen, Corso Riggs, Voidhound
  • Voidhound gave DP1 Datapad to Risha Drayen containing Astrogation Charts
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    From "Rona"
    Corso Riggs
    I never like asking for favors, Captain. But I think maybe we know each other well enough by now. I want to look for my cousin Rona. She's all the family I got left, and I think she should know what happened.
    You can ask me for anything. Never worry about favors, Corso. You're part of my crew.
    Corso Riggs
    Thank you, Captain. Rona came with me when I left for the brigade, but she jumped ship at the first port. All she ever wanted was to get off Ord Mantell. I thought maybe we could track her down. You'd like her. She's really the reason I'm here.
    You two will be back together before you can say "a vrblther's vibroblade."
    Corso Riggs
    A vrblth... vrblth... so, not that soon, then? corso_riggs: Rona was kind of our family rebel. We used to have a blast together. She liked me to run interference so her father never caught her on dates with offworlders. I remember one time, uncle came looking for Rona while she was on the shuttle pod with some Agamarian pirate. I was about twelve. I didn't know how else to distract uncle, so I started a fight. Got the whole ship confiscated. I never did find out how Rona got out of city jail....
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Voidhound's XS Freighter departed from Taris
  • Voidhound served as Pilot and Captain
  • Corso Riggs was among its crew
  • C2-N2 (Voidhound) served as Steward and Maintenance
  • Risha Drayen was among its passengers
  • Gonk Droid was among its passengers
This event took place during the Taris Resettlement Initiative
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the planet Taris
Having received the coordinates
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
of the vault, Voidhound
Major Characters
and Riggs
Corso Riggs
Supporting Characters
returned to the ship
Voidhound's XS Freighter
(XS Stock Light Freighter)
Named Starships
, where Risha Drayen
Risha Drayen
Supporting Characters
informed them that Skavak
Supporting Characters
had hired a team of mercenaries
to search for the vault. After being provided with a Geonosian slicer module
Geonosian Slicer Module
to open the vault, Voidhound and Riggs disembarked, only to be confronted Agent
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who had his suspicions on how Thorne
Beryl Thorne
Minor Characters (TOR)
was smuggling
contraband but lacked proof. He offered a generous bribe in exchange for testimony, but Voidhound refused to betray Thorne, forcing the defeated customs
Republic Customs Office
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
agent to leave.
The duo
Voidhound's Followers
Temporary Unions
briefly visited Beryl Thorne and warned her about Soganti's investigation. Beryl thanked them and sent Argo (AR-G0)
Argo (AR-G0)
(PO12 Protocol Droid)
Minor Characters (TOR)
packing, after which they both left Taris without further delay.

Meanwhile, Roksur
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who was hired by Skavak to find the vault, in turn hired a group of Death's Claw pirates
Death's Claw
Planetary and Sector
to help him and his two mercenaries. They were able to reach the vault, but were stuck in front of the inner doors while their rear guard fended off constant attacks from the rakghouls

The duo traveled to Transport Station 5 and along with their colleagues
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
fought through hordes of rakghouls
Mission to Transport Station 5
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
until they reached Zone Zero and found Skavak's mercenaries just outside the vault door. Roksur, startled by Voidhound's appearance, called Skavak on the holocomm
, who subsequently ordered the mercenaries to kill the duo. Voidhound and Riggs fought back and killed the mercenaries before cracking the vault and retrieving the charts. The duo then returned to the ship, where Risha explained that the charts once belonged to a Tarisian Exchange
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
gangster named Davik Kang
Davik Kang
Supporting Characters
, who mapped a series of uncharted hyperlanes in the stretch of galaxy between the Core Worlds
Core Worlds
and the Outer Rim
The Outer Rim
. Risha told the duo the story of how Nok
Nok Drayen
Supporting Characters
earned his wealth and mentioned a possible connection between Kang's charts and the treasure, but did not elaborate on how exactly it would help them find the treasure, only saying that they needed to focus on their next delivery.
See also
Related organizations
Republic Customs OfficeStructureCharactersAgent SogantiDroidsORM-A01 Probe DroidCustoms DroidsRanksOfficerAgentSogantiPart of / Served onGalactic RepublicWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterCustoms OfficersSogantiArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.1Customs OfficersSoganti
Galactic RepublicStructureOrganizationsRepublic Customs Office
Death's ClawWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3.1.2 RifleDeath's Claw Hired GunsTWM Datapad 3Death's Claw Hired GunsArmorDeath's Claw Armor A19.3RelationsWorked for Roksur
MercenaryStructureCharactersRoksur (Leader of Skavak's Mercs)StarshipsPlug-6 DropshipTransport of Skavak's Mercs (1)RolesLeaderRoksur (Skavak's Mercs)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)RoksurL3.1.2 RifleSkavak's MercsWrist-mounted LauncherRoksur, AMM: Electro DartWrist BlasterRoksur, AMM: HI/RAIL AmmoRetractable BladesSkavak's MercsHolotransmitterRoksurArmorMercenary Armor A18.2RoksurMercenary Armor A18.3Skavak's MercsBH5 A02.5 Heavy HelmetSkavak's Mercs
SmugglerStructureCharactersBeryl ThorneVoidhoundWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsGeonosian Slicer ModuleVoidhound
Voidhound's FollowersStructureCharactersVoidhound (Leader)Corso RiggsStarshipsXS Stock Light FreighterVoidhound's XS FreighterRolesLeaderVoidhoundWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsGeonosian Slicer ModuleVoidhoundRelationsWorked in partnership with Risha Drayen
Related units, characters and other technologies
VoidhoundMembershipVoidhound's FollowersLeaderSmugglerVoidhound's XS FreighterPilot and CaptainWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsGeonosian Slicer Module
Risha DrayenMembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterPassengerRelationsWorked in partnership with Voidhound's Followers
Corso RiggsMembershipVoidhound's FollowersVoidhound's XS Freighter
Argo (AR-G0)RelationsWorked as an aide for Beryl Thorne
RoksurMembershipMercenaryLeader of Skavak's MercsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)Wrist-mounted LauncherAMM: Electro DartWrist BlasterAMM: HI/RAIL AmmoHolotransmitterArmorMercenary Armor A18.2RelationsWorked for SkavakEmployed Death's Claw
SogantiMembershipRepublic Customs OfficeAgent SogantiWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterArmorRepublic Officer Uniform A02.1
Beryl ThorneMembershipSmugglerRelationsEmployed Argo (AR-G0) as an aide
C2-N2 (Voidhound)MembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterSteward and Maintenance
MawvorrUsed byVoidhound's XS FreighterMale Shanjaru Beast (Cargo)
BMF-GNK-A01 DroidUsed by / onVoidhound's XS FreighterGonk Droid (Passenger)
ORM-A01 Probe DroidUsed by / onRepublic Customs OfficeCustoms Droids
Plug-6 DropshipUsed byMercenaryTransport of Skavak's Mercs (1)
XS Stock Light FreighterUsed byVoidhound's FollowersVoidhound's XS Freighter
Voidhound's XS FreighterCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersRisha Drayen (Passenger)Voidhound (Pilot and Captain)Corso RiggsC2-N2 (Voidhound) (Steward and Maintenance)DroidsBMF-GNK-A01 DroidGonk Droid (Passenger)CreaturesMawvorrMale Shanjaru Beast (Cargo)RolesCaptainVoidhoundPilotVoidhoundStewardC2-N2 (Voidhound)MaintenanceC2-N2 (Voidhound)Used byVoidhound's Followers
OfficerMembershipRepublic Customs Office
AgentMembershipRepublic Customs OfficeSoganti
CaptainMembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterVoidhound
PilotMembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterVoidhound
LeaderMembershipMercenaryRoksur (Skavak's Mercs)Voidhound's FollowersVoidhound
MaintenanceMembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterC2-N2 (Voidhound)
StewardMembershipVoidhound's XS FreighterC2-N2 (Voidhound)
Complete list

Full unit name: The Vault Last updated: 08.08.2024 22:45:18